Saturday, March 6, 2010

What is going on in Thailand today...

The following is a facebook entry from an amazing woman I know currently serving in Thailand... (Please forgive her spelling.) :)

When for walk this morning & praying for this city,but then I saw two girls, one is lay on the floor cover with blood. nobody do anything about it, God compassion move me to talk & minister to her and praying for her. Thank YOU JESUS for lead me to hand YOUR love,hope for this girls..When I told her JESUS love her, she look at me and smile so beautiful.. Lord save her please.

Please pray for her,she know what I am talking about,she was full of blood on her face and nose and mouth when I was her face she not do anything, the I start praying on her ear and whispering to her that JESUS really care for her and JESUS really love her and suddenly her eyes open
she sit up and give me the biggest smile and beautiful too.. GOD save her..

Why does Human Trafficking exist? Because people choose to walk by it. They choose to ignore it. People are NOT disposable. It is your DUTY to not sit by and watch this happen. Take action! Educate yourself! Get INVOLVED in the fight!!

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